Top Benefits of Dental Crowns
Dental crown is basically a customized tooth-shaped cap which covers the tooth from chewing surface to the gum line. The purposes of using a dental crown can be both cosmetic and functional. If this prosthetic treatment is handled by an expert, it will definitely provide the best look and functionality one could expect. With that said, it is worth mentioning some of the top benefits that dental crowns can deliver. What is dental crown? As mentioned above, dental crown is a cap that covers the teeth damaged due to following factors. Tooth decay Injury due to which tooth gets broken Hairline fractures and several fillings Oddly shaped tooth; also referred to as congenital malformation. When a tooth gets extensively damaged, it doesn’t only lacks in the providing the functionality but it also looks highly unattractive. The inner structure of the tooth may be intact but lack of proper cover makes the tooth more sensitive. In that scenario, getting crown on the ...